DVD includes 3 films for running bereavement groups:
The Secret Map of Surviving Loss The 60-minute documentary featuring 5 grieving subjects with various losses (parent, spouse, sibling) and narrated by 3 bereavement counselors. With 8 chapters to coincide with use in an 8-week group (if you choose):
- Coping with loss and haunting images
- Guilt and Powerlessness
- Shock
- Secondary Losses
- Questions of Identity
- Signs and Dreams
- Coping with Triggers
- Making Meaning
Use with our Free Facilitator’s Workbook to help lighten the load of your group prep!
Good Grieving: A Guide to Group Facilitation A half-hour film discussing the ins and outs of setting up and successfully running a bereavement group with a focus on making sure your group is digging in and bonding as a group. Comes with Diane Brennan’s Bereavement Group Guide from Life and Loss Mental Health Counseling in New York City.
Chapters include:
- Setting Up a Group
- Screening Participants
- Preparing
- Structure & Ritual
- Ground Rules
- Facilitator Ego
- What to Expect Over Time
An Introduction to Group Grieving and Healing This film is a tool to help yo bring your group attendance up. It is a platform to help reach clients that often defer group counseling although they could benefit i.e. those unfamiliar with talk therapy and those inhibited about expressing their emotions due to restraints of culture, gender, or age. We recommend that it be shown as part of an introductory evening/afternoon to your program offerings and that you take questions or go over your offerings/schedule afterwards.
RULES OF USE: Unlike private home DVDs, these films may be shown under Non-Theatrical Exhibition rules to groups of up to fifty (50) people at a time provided no admission is charged for any portion of your event. Standard copyright law applies and you are not allowed to distribute this DVD/film elsewhere or upload it or otherwise transmit it. Read about Non-Theatrical Exhibition here.
Progressive Frame DVD (best play on an HD monitor via HDMI)
Total run time: 116 minutes
16:9 1.78 aspect ratio